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Making Changes: Volunteer Night ONE of Two
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2019
Tuesday, Nov 5, 2019
This year we are excited to welcome Jyoti Gondek, City of Calgary Ward 3 Councillor, as our special guest. She will be speaking about public engagement in civic politics and the implications for our industry.
The purpose of the AGM is to approve the 2018 Audited Financial Statement and approve the 2020 Board of Directors. To access an information package for your review that summarizes the activities of the Board and Committees during 2019 please contact and request the AGM Package.
This year we are also calling for a special resolution in the form of a bylaw amendment which changes the Board structure to provide better representation for all membership groups (Principal, Affiliate and Candidate). The proposed language of this amendment is outlined in the AGM Package. In order to amend bylaws by special resolution we need a minimum of 75% of our membership to vote either in person or by proxy.
With consideration to our current membership count, that means we need a minimum of 102 votes, so we are asking that if you cannot attend in person, please contact to request a proxy vote to enable us to achieve quorum.
While there is no charge for the event we are asking members to register on or before October 31 so we can provide Fort Calgary with a number count for breakfast.
Tuesday, Nov 5, 2019
Fort Calgary
750 9 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 5E1
7:30am -9:30am
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2019