Renew Your Membership

How to renew your CREW Calgary Membership

If you already hold one of the following memberships, you are eligible for automatic renewal:

  • Principal
  • Associate/Candidate
  • Civic
  • Legacy/Retired
  • New to CRE

Renewals must be completed online through your account on the CREW Network website - follow these easy steps to renew:

  1. Log in to your account HERE.
  2. Select "Renew" from the menu options near the top of the page.
  3. Select "Pay Dues Now". 
  4. Under 'Open Invoices' you will see "CREW Calgary 2025 Dues".
  5. Please review the invoice by clicking on the Download link and if all is correct, select "Add to Cart".
  6. Select "View Cart" and follow the steps for payment.
  7. Enjoy exclusive Members Only perks and privileges for the upcoming year!

If you have any questions or run into any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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