2016 Board of Directors Call for Nominations
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2015
2016 will be another exciting year for CREW Calgary! We need a strong and diverse Board of Directors to continue to advance our vision – to be the association of choice in Calgary; to promote and support the advancement of women as leaders across all disciplines of Calgary’s commercial real estate industry.
We are looking for committed, enthusiastic members who have the time to actively participate on the CREW Calgary Board of Directors during the 2016 term (January to December). This is an excellent opportunity to contribute to CREW Calgary and in doing so you will work with other talented people, raise your professional profile and develop your leadership skills.
Eligible nominees must be Principal Members of CREW, preferably with a proven track record as a CREW Calgary committee volunteer or with other Board experience. Provided a member is eligible for nomination, a member may be nominated by another member or a member may nominate herself.
The call for nominations includes the following positions:
• President Elect (must have one year of experience on the CREW Calgary Board)
• Treasurer (financial experience required)
• Secretary
• Four (4) Directors
Position descriptions are available on request from Gillian Lawrence at glawrence@remingtoncorp.com or Tara Steell at Tara.Steell@brookfieldrp.com.
Each nominee must submit a brief summary of herself which includes the following:
• Summary of education and professional experience in the commercial real estate field
• Why you wish to seek a leadership position with CREW Calgary?
• Involvement to date as a CREW Calgary member (length of membership, committee involvement)
• Benefits of CREW Calgary
• Other relevant experience
Submissions to be made to Gillian Lawrence at glawrence@remingtoncorp.com and Tara Steell at Tara.Steell@brookfieldrp.com no later than midnight on September 18th, 2015. And if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact one of them.
The Governance and Nominations Committee of the CREW Calgary Board shall review all nominees and submit a slate of nominees and their credentials to the Board of Directors by September 25th, 2015 for recommendation to the general membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on October 29th, 2015.
Mark your calendars! The CREW Calgary AGM will be held at Fort Calgary on October 29th from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Not only will we conduct the business of our society, there will be ample opportunity for networking!