Building Tour: ATCO Building 909 & 919 - 11 Ave SW
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The ambition to forge new paths by balancing opposites.
Showcasing history that merges into modernity.
Join us and our partners at IFMA for a joint event at The 9 Tenant Lounge for a showcase of the renovations of the ATCO building - 909 & 911 11th Avenue SW.
Hear from the building owners on the planning, development and outcomes of the $50 million investment in the building.
We will also be hearing from the design team at Shearer Licensed Interior Design and their design concept for the space.
3:00 pm - Guests arrive
3:15 pm - 4:00 - Speeches & Slide Show with time for questions
4:00 - 6:00 - Networking
Registration closes May 7th at 4pm.
Cancellation Policy: Please provide cancellation notice by emailing prior to 4:00pm on Friday, May 10.