Mentee Application

  • - Participating in the Kick-Off and Mentee training event, held on a weekday during the week of March 11 to 15 (TBD) from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. CREW Network supplies Mentor & Mentee module materials to help support with your journey. Mentee training will involve an experienced leadership coach to supplement the materials provided by CREW Network as a value-add to our members/Mentees;
  • - Setting your goals to help you achieve the most successful outcome from the program;
  • - Initiating your first meeting with your Mentor and sign a Mentorship Agreement to help clarify and accomplish goals as well as initiate future meetings;
  • - Participating in a minimum of three (3) meetings with your Mentor between April—June. You’re welcome to meet more!
  • - Participating in the Wrap-Up event, held in late June on a weekday between 3:00—5:00pm.