And the Calgary Real Estate Forum winners are. . .

Saturday, Sep 24, 2016

And the winners are ..

We are pleased to announce the winners of the draw for passes to the Calgary Real Estate Forum! Names were drawn by a third party, bcIMC asset managers, and Chantal Wing of EXP Services Inc. and Jennifer Oswald of Aspen Properties have each won a pass!

Thank you to all the interested members for entering our draw for one of two free passes to the Calgary Real Estate Forum to be held October 25, 2016 at the Telus Convention Centre.

For the rest of us, we wish to remind everyone that you can register on their site here to pay for your attendance. Early bird pricing is available up to Sept 29th.

This is a premiere event to attend for those involved in the Real Estate industry and is usually one of the mostly highly attended events of the year, making it an excellent opportunity both education and networking. CREW Calgary is proud to be a sponsor!