Members Only: CREWbiz Profile Contest
Monday, Aug 20, 2018
November 1 Update: Congratulations to the following members for being the winners of the gift cards offered for this competition!
- $100 Amazon: Sarah Heppinstall, First Capital Realty
- $50 Tim Hortons: Jan Renz, The Forzani Group
- $50 Tim Hortons: Krista Halvorsen, Choice Properties
Thank you to CREW Calgary and AEC Property Tax for the prize donations!
Members, we want to know about you!! Complete your CREWbiz profile for a chance to win one of three gift card prizes.
Take advantage of this membership perk and gain exposure to a network of thousands of women in commercial real estate. On top of that, by sending us your profile, you will be securing a feature spot on our upcoming CREW Calgary website relaunch!
If you've already completed your CREWbiz profile, make sure it's up-to-date and skip ahead to Step Two.
Step One: Create your CREWbiz Profile
1. Log in to the CREW Network site HERE, and click on 'CREWbiz Community'
2. In the top right corner, select 'Profile' from the drop down and start filling out your info... don't forget to add a head shot!
Step Two: Send us the link to your Profile
Once your profile is complete, send the Marketing Committee an EMAIL with the following:
- The link to your profile; and
- A brief, 1-2 sentence testimonial explaining 1) how CREW has impacted you on a professional level OR 2) why you are excited to be a CREW Calgary member.
Step Three: Explore and Get Involved!
Get the CREWbiz app. Head to the App Store and download CREWbiz to your smartphone for the easiest ways to connect with members on the go.
Heading to Toronto on business? Consider searching local members or starting a thread to see if there is anyone available to connect with while you're in town.
Start a Discussion. Seek out existing forums that pique your interest, or start your own!
Need a property manager in Cincinnati? Source or offer talent across North America using the CREW Network Open Forum.
Stay informed with Blog Posts from our National CREW leadership.
Step Four: Win...Multiple Ways
Complete and submit your profile by September 7th to be entered in the draw for one of 3 gift cards:
- $100 Amazon
- $50 Tim Hortons
- $50 Tim Hortons
Even if you don't win the draw, your participation ensures your profile will be spotlighted on CREW Calgary's brand new website when it launches this fall! Make sure you're getting the most out of your membership and the exposure CREW can provide... don't miss this opportunity!
Deadline to be entered in the draw is Friday, September 7, 2018