CREW Network Foundation Scholarship: Calgary Recipients
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020
Congratulations to Calgary recipients of the Crew Network Foundation Scholarship. We are so proud! The CREW Network Foundation scholarship program supports future female leaders as they pursue university-level education that will lead to careers in commercial real estate.
CREW Convention Scholarship
Friday, Jul 24, 2020
Thinking of attending CREW Network's Virtual Convention? Apply for a CREW Calgary scholarship to offset the costs! CREW Calgary is pleased to provide ten of our members with the exciting opportunity to attend the 2020 CREW Network Convention which will be a virtual event from September 15 – 17th, 2020.
2021 Nomination & Governance Committee
Friday, Jul 24, 2020
CREW Calgary is seeking two members-at-large to join the Nominations and Governance Committee. This is an exceptional opportunity to be involved in selecting the 2021 CREW Calgary Leadership.
Mentorship Kick-Off Success!
Friday, May 1, 2020
CREW Calgary had their first mentorship event on April 24th and it was a complete success! We kicked off our event with a round-table introduction and posed the question “what have you learned from COVID-19 both professionally and personally”? We had no idea what to expect however were pleasantly surprised with...